What we believe
We celebrate our diversity and recognize the sacred worth and dignity of all persons of any age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnic origin, economic reality, family status, sexual orientation, diverse ability or social status. We believe that through Christ we are being reconciled to God and to one another. As we journey towards reconciliation, we proclaim this welcome to all God’s people, especially to those who have known the pain of exclusion and discrimination within the church, affirming that no one is excluded or condemned. here.
These beliefs have been born of biblical study, reflection, the action of gospel living, prayer and worship, tradition, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in this life.
We are part of the connection of the United Methodist Church, whose central focus revolves around the Great Commandment in Mark 12:28-31
One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[c] There is no commandment greater than these.
The Ionia UMC worships, gathers for purposeful ministry in Faith, Hope, and Love, that life may glorify God to honor Jesus Christ.
We have other beliefs that help the congregation keep on a faith-led path in human living through the UMC. please follow the links, below:
Our Pastor:
Rev Dr Robin Blair
Our Volunteer Staff:
Administrative Council:
Meets monthly, updates are shared from all leaders and their teams
Trustees chair - Don Frelier
SPRC chair - Judy Baldwin
Missions chair - Carol Hinds
Treasurer - Sue Vary
Finance Secretary - Mary Tolomay
Communication- Mary Twardokus
Secretary - Donna Cullen
At large - Roger Cullen
Pastor - Rev Blair
Barbara Bennett - piano and organ
Linda Miller - cleaner
About Rev Dr Robin Blair
Rev Blair came to our church on July 1, 2019. She likes to tell it:
2025! This marks my 7th year serving the Lord at IONIA UMC with the faithful people of the congregation and community. It continues to be an honor to serve at this place with these people who honor God with their living.
We were challenged like many UMC congregations to evaluate how we interpreted the scriptures regarding human relationships. We are living the inclusive theology and biblically based principal of: Love God, love neighbor as self. Matt 22: 37-40. No exceptions! We will honor the covenant made at baptism. With faith, hope, and love, we shall serve God and one another. This was institutionalized in our denomination in April of 2024 at the UMC General Conference. Praise be to God!
I have been serving the local church since 2002, hold a BA in music, a Masters of Theology and the Arts, an MDIV equivalency, and a Doctorate in the Practical Theology of Transformative Leadership with a focus on spiritual care. My dissertation, Media Literacy as Spiritual Care for Children and Families, brings me to help people hear and see media messaging that is more than surface impressions; but rather how we are deeply shaped by the media we consume and its relationship with us. This relationship is tricky and helping people learn to understand how their POV on the world has been contoured by media for profit is important to me; mainly because if we are aware how messaging is targeting adults, youth, and children, we can make choices from our faith and our core spiritual values building a life that honors God in all the ways the Holy Spirit leads us to.
It’s a balancing act to love God and love neighbor and live in this media-driven world.
Jesus was counter-culture, too.
I am a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit driven, God is love theologian that I hope to bring to any context I serve as an ordained minister of the gospel. I can see where the sacred shows up in many faith based traditions because love is the focus of the prayer, activity, and engagement with the world. I praise God for this lens of faith and grace on life in the 21st century.
Finally, I write songs, books, and
create podcasts and radio.
The 2020 Social Principals of the UMC
General Board of Church and Society is the UMC's interface with government policy. From the beginning of the "Methodist Movement" with the Wesley's in England, social justice and social holiness were part of how the scripture was lived.
As United Methodists, we believe that God has given us principles for how to live in a community. Central to Jesus’ teachings, life, death, and resurrection is the Great Commandment: we must love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. (Matthew 22:35-40; Mark 12:28-34)